5 Ways to Attract More Women with Your Online Dating Profile


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An estimated 8 million women visit online dating sites each month. Just think: that’s over 267,000 women per day! It’s surely a lot more women then you’ll ever have access to at work, the gym, the local watering hole, or anywhere else in your stomping grounds. But the difficult part about online dating is actually getting those women to pay attention to you. According to stats, only 30% of men with online dating profiles are contacted by women. So, unless you resemble Brad Pitt’s lost twin, putting up a bland online dating profile isn’t going to turn your love life around. You need to be proactive if you want to stand out from all the Joe Schmoe’s online and get the girl. Follow the 5 tips below and you’ll be a virtual Romeo in no time:

Act like an alpha male

Women go ga-ga over alpha males. Alpha males are masculine, aren’t afraid to take the lead, act playfully cocky, and display confidence. So, on online dating websites, make sure that your self-confidence shows through in your photos, profile, and the messages you send because women are drawn to confident men. But there’s a thin line between confidence and arrogance, so be cautious (i.e., don’t put up those pics of you showing off your washboard abs in the bathroom mirror).

Be a salesman (of the non-sleazy variety)

If your life depended on selling a product that was virtually identical to several other products on the market, what approach would you take to sell it? You’d probably try to make it sound unique, right? The same goes for online dating website profiles. In order to advertise and sell yourself, you should display your uniqueness. Be as specific as possible about your unique qualities to really stand out.

Research other men’s profiles and avoid doing what everyone else is doing

An effective way to get your profile to stand out from the others and attract more women is to avoid doing what everyone else is doing. If you browse the profiles of other men in your area, you’ll probably notice that most of them say the same things, such as “I like to travel” or “I enjoy long walks on the beach.” Hint: don’t be boring. See what other people are doing and then do exactly the opposite.

Delve into the deets

Rather than saying, “I like to have fun,” be more specific. Describe things in detail so you can entice women and tickle their curiosity. For example, you can say, “My idea of a fun day is rollerblading down the boardwalk in Venice Beach, occasionally stopping to watch street performers. After breaking a sweat and getting a good workout, I grab some gelato to eat while sitting and cooling off on the sand to watch the sun set.” Details make a difference, so don’t be afraid to use your imagination.

Make your profile time-sensitive

Persuade women to contact you sooner rather than later… because “later” may never come. You can create a sense of urgency by making your profile time-sensitive. For example, you could say that you’re going to be traveling to New York by the end of the week and so won’t get the message for a while unless she contacts you now. If you don’t encourage you to contact you right away, she might forget about your profile altogether.